Apply for Cold to Cosy Homes Cumbria

If you’ve checked the eligibility criteria and are ready to apply, please choose the correct button below, depending on whether you’re applying for yourself or someone else.

What happens when you apply

When you fill in the online application form using the buttons above, your application will go through to Cold to Cosy Homes Cumbria at CAfS.

You’ll then get a call from our Customer Service Team, who will go through an eligibility check with you and book an appointment for you with the CAfS Cold to Cosy Homes team. The Cold to Cosy Homes adviser will call you at the agreed time and they’ll carry out an in-depth advice call with you.

If you’re entitled to other support or services, the CAfS adviser will discuss these with you and can refer you to the organisations providing them.

Got a question before applying?

You can contact us on 01768 216500 or [email protected].

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I got help to switch my energy supplier and it saved me £40 a month, which is smashing. My advice to anyone is to see if CAfS can help you. I did and it has improved the quality of my life.

Mr Curwen, Kendal