As the urgency of climate change intensifies, the goal of reaching net zero emissions by 2037 becomes more critical. This ambitious target requires collaborative effort. 

As Cumbrian voters, you have the power to shape a sustainable future for our region. By supporting candidates and policies that prioritise climate action, we can achieve net zero emissions by 2037. Here’s a quick guide to the key climate-friendly policies to look for: 

  1. Renewable energy

What to look out for: 

  • Investment in wind energy, solar, and hydroelectric power. 
  • Investment in community-owned renewable energy projects.
  • Faster transition towards renewables and away from fossil fuels. 
  • Review of planning policy to support and encourage adoption of renewables and zero carbon technologies 

Why it matters: 

  • Reduces our reliance on fossil fuels. 
  • Keeps energy benefits local. We don’t have to import. 
  • Reduces the cost of energy. 
  • Local jobs and economic development opportunities in the renewable energy sector 
  1. Energy efficient buildings

What to look out for: 

  • New energy efficiency standards and incentives for new and existing buildings, including retrofitting older buildings. 
  • Funding to help people make their homes more energy efficient. 
  • Development of smart grid infrastructure. 
  • Replacement of fossil fuel heating with low carbon technologies, such as heat pumps and solar panels 

Why it matters: 

  • Lowers energy consumption and bills. 
  • Makes our energy system more resilient. 
  • Better living conditions for all. 
  • Skills development opportunities and local jobs associated with retrofit. 
  1. Sustainable transport

What to look out for: 

  • Improved public transport and active transportation infrastructure. 
  • Expansion of electric vehicle (EV) network, with incentives to transition towards EVs. 

Why it matters: 

  • Reduces carbon emissions from transport. 
  • Makes getting around easier and greener. 
  • Health and social benefits associated with active transport. 
  1. Sustainable Agriculture and Land Use

What to look out for: 

  • Incentives / subsidies for regenerative farming practices. 
  • Forest conservation and reforestation projects. 
  • Management of peatlands 

Why it matters: 

  • Enhances soil health and biodiversity. 
  • Protects against flooding and sequesters carbon. 
  • Cleaner water – less pesticides and fertiliser use 
  1. Consumption and Waste Emissions Reductions

What to look out for: 

  • New kerbside and recycling collection schemes. 
  • Net zero solutions for current waste management. 
  • Promotion of a circular economy- practices that encourage repair, reuse, recycle and remanufacturing of materials. 
  • Plans and policies to reduce wasted food.

Why it matters: 

  • Cuts industrial pollution. 
  • Encourages recycling and waste reduction.
  • Skills and job opportunities in the circular economy. 
  1. Climate Education and Public Awareness

What to look out for: 

  • Plans for Climate change education in schools. 
  • Community awareness campaigns on sustainable practices. 
  • Plans which raise awareness of the links between climate change and nature. 

Why it matters: 

  • Empowers future generations. 
  • Informs and engages the community in climate action. 


Take Action 

When you vote, ask your candidates whether they are supporting a sustainable Cumbria. Choose candidates who prioritise these climate-friendly policies. Advocate for local initiatives that support sustainability in our county. Cumbria can lead the way towards a better future for all of us.