Last month, Shed One distillery hosted a fundraiser for us to celebrate three years of our charity-business partnership, alongside launching their new 100% recycled glass bottles. We were joined on the night by many local businesses, who all enjoyed the opportunity to sample Shed One’s award-winning gin whilst sharing lots of constructive conversation around green business practice.

Since their launch in 2016, Shed One have won many awards for their sustainable business practices, providing a great role model for others looking to reduce the carbon footprint of their business in a manageable way.

Distillery owners, Zoe and Andy, gave a tour of their operations and explained their sustainability initiatives, and representatives from CAfS talked about our work and the support that we can offer businesses on their low carbon journey. There were gin and vodka tastings and a raffle to help raise funds for CAfS.

It was great to see so many local businesses there and the night was a really positive experience. We truly value the amazing support we receive from all our local green business partners, helping us to extend our work and move us all closer to a zero carbon Cumbria.

Partnering with CAfS can contribute to your corporate social responsibility policy, raise your profile and improve your employee engagement. It also helps demonstrate your values to your clients and customers, showing them that you are working in the interests of our planet.

Nick & Caroline represented CAfS at Shed One Distillery
Shed One Sustainability Award