Our award-winning Climate and Carbon Literacy team has expanded this month by three new trainers.

We welcome Joe, Gina and Matt to our expert and experienced team!

Growing our team is a testament to the appetite for understanding carbon and climate science, here in Cumbria and beyond in some cases! The team has currently trained over 1,900 people in Climate and Carbon Literacy, meaning more people than ever are now more aware of their carbon footprint, more confident in their understanding of the science, and able to share what they know in their communities and workplaces.

Our growing team means that we can now reach more businesses, communities and individuals who want to grow their knowledge. It also means that we can offer a wider range of courses (more about that later), and it means that we can offer courses across Cumbria and in neighbouring counties.

It’s an exciting time and it feels good for CAfS to be part of this wider movement, which has seen the Carbon Literacy Project train over 92,000 citizens and reach over 26 nations. It also means that we can continue to grow and develop the courses that CAfS can offer, including our new Climate Fresk half-day course.

You can see individual profiles for our training group here, and find out more about the courses we offer here.