Join our seasonal appeal, ‘Present for the Planet’! Place a wish for the planet under our virtual tree, make a donation and help us turn climate hopes into action.
Last month, we asked our kind followers to lend us their thoughts on smart meters. The technology is slowly spreading through homes as energy providers determinedly pursue us over the phone to commit to [...]
CAfS will be helping to create a national climate training toolkit for educators as part of a new government plan. We will be one of the partners developing the toolkits, as part of the [...]
Two local projects have been granted funds to combat climate change in Cumbria following a special meeting of the Cumbria Sustainability Network (CSN). Local sustainability projects were invited to apply and present their ideas [...]
Come and hear from local businesses with sustainable values, create a fab festive take away with Emma from the Fellside Flower Company, and network with like-minded businesses over mulled wine and mince pies.