This Thursday saw CAfS in Manchester for The Carbon Literate Organisation awards. As a Carbon Literacy platinum award winner we were there to receive our award from The Carbon Literacy Project and to celebrate our experiences with other award winners, learning from their success and challenges!

These inspirational awards featured stories from around the world. From Australia to the UAE, Carbon Literacy accredited courses are being adapted for different cultures and different audiences globally.  Currently there are 62, 184 carbon literate citizens across over 23 nations and with over 4100 different organisations involved. And the different sectors. It was eye-opening to see the different sectors represented, from tractor manufacturers to universities – and larger government organisations such as the Environment Agency. The reach was impressive and can only mean good things for the effort to reduce carbon emissions.

And for CAfS? We continue to work to develop our Climate and Carbon Literacy courses – ensuring that we provide a local context to an international crisis, whilst at the same time reaching out to the many sectors, organisations and individuals that make up our unique county. We were thrilled to be one of only 8 platinum Carbon Literacy award winners! If you want to join us in our carbon literacy journey – you can find our latest courses here.