Monthly Archives: July 2020

New government scheme for improving energy efficiency of homes

The government has announced a new scheme to help households to make their homes more energy efficient. Here we share our view on it and some advice for anyone thinking of taking advantage of it. About the new 'Green Homes Grant' On Wednesday 8 July 2020, the Chancellor announced a voucher scheme for households to help with the cost of measures such as insulation. It is part of the government's new 'Plan for Jobs 2020', aiming to stimulate the economy. You can read the plan in full on the Treasury website > Here is what the plan says about [...]

By |2020-07-14T14:25:14+01:00July 14th, 2020|Homepage, News|

Contract: Development of carbon footprint calculators

Date posted: 2 July 2020 Closing date: 9am on 17 July 2020 We are seeking a contractor to develop two online carbon footprinting calculator tools: one for residents and one for businesses. These tools will be piloted and tested in Ambleside, with a view to rolling them out elsewhere in Cumbria. The proposed timescale for developing and testing these tools will be September to December 2020, with training of facilitators planned for January 2021 and roll-out from February 2021. The total budget available for delivery of both carbon footprint calculators is £16,000. How to apply for this [...]

By |2022-11-23T12:23:28+00:00July 2nd, 2020|Vacancies - expired|
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