Join our seasonal appeal, ‘Present for the Planet’! Place a wish for the planet under our virtual tree, make a donation and help us turn climate hopes into action.
At the local elections on May 5th 2022, Cumbrians will be voting for the councillors who will decide the priorities and policies of the two new Unitary Authorities for Cumberland and Westmorland and Furness. [...]
Young people are highly aware of the threat to their futures from climate change yet are rarely able to influence the ‘gatekeepers’ of climate emissions – those decision makers in Cumbria whose strategies and [...]
Every donation given to CAfS during the week of 22 - 29 April will be doubled, thanks to match funding from some generous benefactors as part of the annual Big Give. The week, which [...]
Come and hear from local businesses with sustainable values, create a fab festive take away with Emma from the Fellside Flower Company, and network with like-minded businesses over mulled wine and mince pies.