
Event Report: Solar Made Easy on Cartmel Peninsula

Our recent Solar Made Easy event in Grange Over Sands saw over 100 people from 70 households in attendance. The receptive and knowledgeable audience posed a raft of technical and testing questions to the installers Create Energy and Glow Solar who are two of five installation companies vetted by CAfS and working with us on the Solar Made Easy project. Many of the households have already progressed to obtaining quotes. The solar map commissioned by CAfS identifies over 4,500 rooves across the seven towns and villages on the Cartmel Peninsula that are suitable for solar panel installations, with the [...]

By |2024-04-23T06:19:16+01:00April 10th, 2024|Homepage, News|

Fight for our Future: CAfS gets ready for annual Big Give appeal

CAfS are gearing up for their "Fight for Our Future” appeal, to raise awareness of the effects of climate change on Cumbria’s young people and promote urgent action to protect their futures. CAfS aims to raise £20,000  to support this work, and between the 18th and 25th of April, any donations made will be doubled thanks to the Big Give’s Green Match Fund.  With the effects of climate change becoming more acutely felt, through extreme weather events, such as severe flooding, heatwaves and air pollution, recent studies have highlighted the disproportionate impact of climate change on young people. One [...]

By |2024-04-18T15:32:33+01:00March 28th, 2024|Homepage, News|

Wishing you an ethical and sustainable Easter!

It’s just 3 days until Easter and if you’re looking to celebrate sustainably you may be wondering about the footprint of your Easter egg and how you can do your bit for the climate.  Alongside issues such as child labour and workers’ rights, climate issues such as palm oil, excess packaging and whether to go vegan are all to be considered when making any chocolate purchase. Ethical Consumer have a useful guide to navigating your Easter egg choices here: Easter Eggs | Ethical Consumer  If you are in the habit of sending cards at Easter, why not check out our E-cards: [...]

By |2024-03-28T13:52:52+00:00March 28th, 2024|Homepage, News|

Supporting Local Climate Action this Earth Day

Over the last year, the UK has experienced drought, widespread flooding and frequent storms. This has been mirrored across the globe where extreme weather events are becoming the norm. Here in Cumbria, we are working hard to reduce carbon emissions as quickly as possible, working with individuals, businesses and communities on everything from domestic and community energy to retrofit, green business support and sustainable agricultural practices.   Earth Day this year falls on Monday April 22nd - and we are talking to local schools, and youth groups, to encourage activities and conversations to raise awareness of climate action.  Earth [...]

By |2024-04-03T13:33:35+01:00March 21st, 2024|Homepage, News|

Inspiring Good Business Networking Event brings a feel-good vibe to decarbonisation!

Businesses across Westmorland & Furness are invited to an ‘Inspiring Good Business’ networking event on the 7th of March, in Kendal Town Hall Organised by Future Fixers CIC as part of the W&F Green Enterprise Hub, The event is aimed at making connections with local organisations who are looking to become more sustainable. It will provide an opportunity for informal networking as well as inspiration from an internationally acclaimed speaker, good music and local, low-carbon food and drink. The event is an evening with inspirational speaker, Mark Shayler. Mark Shayler is an innovation and environmental advisor and author of You [...]

By |2024-02-28T16:48:14+00:00February 28th, 2024|News|

Dream Placement students learn with Climate Fresk

Last week we welcomed three students for the Centre for Leadership Performance's 'Dream Placement' work experience week.  The dream placement programme is designed to support our county's talented young people in gaining experience in industry and business, and to help them make informed choices about their future careers. We enjoyed taking part in the initial training, interview and selection process and were looking forward to welcoming the students into CAfS! Our three students, Samia, Sophie and Olivia, joined us at various points across the week. Activities ranged from project work with our partners at CDEC to tree planting, looking at [...]

By |2024-02-28T16:17:54+00:00February 28th, 2024|Homepage, News|

A busy start to the year for our Energy Team!

January proved to be a very busy month for the Energy team here at CAfS thanks to our Cold to Cosy Homes Project and the extension into retrofit advice. They made 117 home visits - which is equal to 176 hours of free energy advice to Cumbrian Households and have received 347 online referrals since the new year. They have also spent some time developing their skills and increasing their capacity, this has included workplace training with the Samaritans and their “conversations with vulnerable people” . We have also had two members of the team complete their retrofit qualification Level [...]

By |2024-02-28T16:12:08+00:00February 28th, 2024|Homepage, News|

Free Home Retrofit Planner for Farmers Extended

Due to a successful first phase, we can support four more farming families in Cumbria to benefit from a fully funded Home Retrofit Planner for your farmhouse – a comprehensive energy audit for your home. In this call out we are looking for farmhouses on “working farms” located anywhere in Cumbria. Farmhouses are often older properties that can be draughty, hard to heat, suffering from damp or water ingress, losing heat though walls, doors, windows and roofs. These beautiful traditional properties need an understanding of heritage skills, appropriate materials to fix and maintain. We know that for farmers, your farmhouse, [...]

By |2024-02-13T16:22:49+00:00February 13th, 2024|Homepage, News|

A Greener Valentine’s

Valentine’s Day may traditionally be the day we show love and appreciation for our partners, but how we choose to do that can have an enormous impact on our planet.   Did you know that out of season cut flowers have one of the largest carbon footprints per pound spent at the till? Red roses definitely aren’t a seasonal bloom in February in Cumbria and as a result many of the roses in the shops this week will have been imported from as far away as Kenya and Latin America, picking up the hefty carbon price tag of 2.4kg carbon per [...]

By |2024-02-13T14:59:39+00:00February 12th, 2024|Homepage, News|

Vermiculture Cumbria! Worms and the field to fork journey.

With funded support from the Zero Carbon Cumbria Low Carbon Food Programme CAfS have teamed up with partners to tackle food waste in Cumbria using the unbridled power of the worm! We are working with Anna de la Vega, who set up The Urban Worm CIC, Anna is a vermiculture expert with years of international experience delivering training and consultancy on vermiculture food waste solutions to tackle this huge global issue. Windrow Growing Well Low Sizergh Dec 23 To date we  have installed two systems at Growing Well at their Low Sizergh site, a windrow demonstration site and [...]

By |2024-02-02T08:57:54+00:00February 2nd, 2024|Homepage, News, Uncategorised|
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