Yearly Archives: 2021

CAfS Annual Report 2019-2020

We are delighted to announce that our annual report for the financial year of 2019-2020 is finished and now available to download from our website. As we've been adapting to the unique challenges of the most recent year, one of those challenges has been to look back beyond last March and continue the process of evaluating and celebrating our successes that were achieved. This report has details on our largest ever Green Build Festival as well as our Cold to Cosy Homes service which as since gone from strength to strength. Also included is the partnership with the Carbon [...]

Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership update

We are delighted by the interest in Zero Carbon Cumbria and the momentum that's building in support of the Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership’s goal of net-zero emissions by 2037.   The partnership brings together more than 70 organisations from the public, private and third sectors. Its work is led and inspired by our local communities and built around the voices of our young people.  New staff  Thanks to National Lottery funding, several of the partnership’s key staff are now in post including Tim Gale, Partnership Manager, based at Cumbria County Council; Karen Gardner, Communications Manager, based at CAfS; David Pickup, Carbon [...]

By |2021-03-31T18:26:43+01:00March 31st, 2021|Food, Homepage, News, Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership|

Are EVs too expensive?

You certainly wouldn’t be blamed for thinking so. In a recent series of surveys we ran in association with Charge My Street, when asked what the biggest factor was that was holding them back from buying an electric vehicle, around 40%-50% of respondents answered “the cost”. This was by far the biggest concern among respondents, some of whom viewed EV driving as the exclusive preserve of the lavish and well-off. On the face of it, it’s easy enough to see why. Glancing at Nissan’s website one can see a new Leaf EV retailing at just under £28,000 whereas their [...]

By |2021-03-29T12:52:15+01:00March 26th, 2021|Electric vehicles, Fossil fuels, Homepage, News, Renewable energy|

Upcoming: The cost of EVs

How much does it cost to buy/run an electric vehicle? That's the question that we're going to be investigating over the next few weeks. Over our time working to expand the Cumbrian charging network, this question is always one that surfaces during any discussion with a petrol or diesel driver. And it's a fair one. Certainly from initial impressions, buying an EV can look like a daunting financial endeavour. A lot of the time they appear to be a lot more expensive than their equivalent in the petrol/diesel world. We're going to be looking at some of the options [...]

By |2021-03-19T16:19:02+00:00March 19th, 2021|Electric vehicles, Homepage, News|

New EV video series from CAfS

Along with the help of some of our fantastic EV volunteers, we are delighted to announce that our new video series on electric vehicles is now complete. At CAfS, we are keen to delve deep into some of the popular ideas surrounding EVs, especially seeing as a lot of us in Cumbria will have no choice but to adopt the technology fairly soon because of the governments impending ban on petrol and diesel cars. This is why we have begun this series to become more informed on this topic and hopefully to help some others who are struggling with [...]

By |2021-03-15T15:11:43+00:00March 12th, 2021|Electric vehicles, Homepage, News|

Cumbria could create 9,000 green jobs, CAfS report shows

Green industries and investment could create 9,000 jobs over the next 15 years as Cumbria seeks to hit its 2037 net-zero target, according to a new independent report by Cumbria Action for Sustainability (CAfS). The report, entitled The potential for green jobs in Cumbria, calculates that around 9,000 jobs could be created for local people during a 15-year ‘transition period’ towards the county reaching net-zero, and 3,800 jobs in the longer term across sectors including transport, industry, retrofitting, renewable heat, renewable electricity and waste. The Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership, which includes around 70 public, private and third sector organisations, [...]

By |2021-03-15T14:47:11+00:00March 12th, 2021|Homepage, News, Renewable energy|

Job: Cumbria Sustainability Network Coordinator

Closing date: 9am, Wed 24 Mar 2021 We are looking for a passionate and experienced community champion to support the development of the Cumbria sustainability network as directed by its members. This work forms part of the most extensive programme of climate action ever seen in the county, led by the Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership and funded by the National Lottery. You will act as an advocate on behalf of the network and ensure that there is a strong community voice, real influence and active community involvement in all aspects of the Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership. You [...]

By |2021-03-24T17:56:36+00:00March 3rd, 2021|News, Vacancies - expired|

Calling all EV drivers and enthusiasts!

Anyone who follows the things we like to get up to here at CAfS may remember around about a year ago, we put out an appeal for electric vehicle (EV) owners on this very site. Our request was aimed at anyone who has experience owning an EV to give us a hand in some focus groups all concerned around the oncoming revolution in our personal transport. These focus groups and meetings were going to take place all over the county and even include a spot of lunch. Well, we all saw how that went. 2021 is a fresh year [...]

By |2021-03-04T09:33:34+00:00February 9th, 2021|Electric vehicles, Homepage, News|

Volunteer role: Volunteer Community Trainer

Closing date: Mon 22 Feb 2021 Are you looking for a volunteering opportunity that will help you to increase your confidence, empower you to change things for the better, and where you can empower others - all while helping to tackle climate change? CAfS is recruiting 20 volunteers across Cumbria to help us deliver a brand-new programme to boost knowledge about climate science and solutions and inspire people to take action in their own lives, funded by the Emergence Foundation. Volunteers will run interactive sessions for their local communities, ranging from short 'climate crash course' sessions to [...]

By |2022-11-23T12:25:08+00:00January 28th, 2021|Vacancies - expired|
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