A survey has just gone out on Alston Moor to understand the area’s housing needs, supported by CAfS’ Greenprint programme. The survey asks residents about their homes and how well they meet their different needs, both now and into the future. It explores whether homes are fit to live in, asking about issues like damp and energy efficiency, as well as wider needs like space for food growing.
The survey was created by Alston Moor’s community-led housing group, thanks to funding from Eden District Council’s community housing fund. Being bespoke to the area, the survey touches on issues that particularly affect Alston Moor – from housing for key workers to the needs of people who live and work in very rural and isolated areas.
The results of the survey will help the community to evidence their current and future housing needs, helping to show what could be done to meet these – and how housing schemes led by the community could be part of the answer.
There will soon be extra help for communities looking to develop their own housing, with a new online knowledge hub for Cumbria and Lancashire. It’s being created by ACTion with Communities in Cumbria, with support from CAfS, and will go live soon. Watch this space!