
Volunteer role: Community Climate Champion

By |2022-11-23T12:24:55+00:00June 7th, 2022|Vacancies - expired|

Closing date: 9am on Wednesday 6 July 2022. Are you looking for an unpaid opportunity that will help you to increase your confidence, empower you to change things for the better, and where you can - empower others, all while helping to tackle climate change? CAfS is recruiting 20 community climate champions across Cumbria to help us deliver the second year of a programme to boost knowledge about climate science and solutions and inspire people to take action in their own lives. Champions will run interactive sessions for their local communities, ranging from short ‘climate crash course’ sessions [...]

What you said about smart meters

By |2022-05-27T10:56:19+01:00May 27th, 2022|Home energy efficiency, Homepage, News|

Last month, we asked our kind followers to lend us their thoughts on smart meters. The technology is slowly spreading through homes as energy providers determinedly pursue us over the phone to commit to an installation date. Basically, a smart meter measures your energy use in real time and shows it to you on a display unit. The idea is that this will allow you to get more accurate bills and see for yourself where you are spending money on energy. It also, in theory, cuts out the inconvenience of needing to read your meter manually yourself. We wanted [...]

Climate change training rolling out to educators in Cumbria

By |2022-05-18T14:48:29+01:00May 18th, 2022|Homepage, News, Youth, Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership|

CAfS will be helping to create a national climate training toolkit for educators as part of a new government plan. We will be one of the partners developing the toolkits, as part of the Department for Education's Climate & Sustainability Strategy, announced in April. Every maintained nursery, school, college and university in the country is to have a sustainability lead among their staff, all of whom will have 'carbon literacy' training on the climate crisis and how we can respond. We've been delivering accredited Climate and Carbon Literacy training in Cumbria since 2019 and we're now running a pilot [...]

Job: Fundraising officer

By |2022-11-23T11:22:21+00:00May 13th, 2022|Vacancies - expired|

Closing date: 10am on Tuesday 14 June 2022. We're looking for a knowledgeable and articulate person to help us raise money through donations, grants and contracts. You'll be a clear and confident communicator with the ability to create persuasive digital material with a strong attention to detail. You'll have knowledge of fundraising and will be able to research potential new income streams working alongside our development manager. Application & Interview Process Please apply by completing the application form below. Please do not send a CV. Guidance for submitting your application is included in the form. [...]

Over £19,000 awarded to locals tackling climate change

By |2022-04-28T14:59:31+01:00April 28th, 2022|Homepage, News, Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership|

Two local projects have been granted funds to combat climate change in Cumbria following a special meeting of the Cumbria Sustainability Network (CSN). Local sustainability projects were invited to apply and present their ideas to reduce carbon emissions to the CSN and to the public for a chance to be awarded the grants of up to £10,000. An audience of over 60 people voted on their preferred local projects that targeted the areas of energy use, land use, waste, and transport. The first ‘winning’ project was the Ulverston Food Waste Project, which received £9,815 to aid in their effort [...]

Vote against climate change in local council elections

By |2022-04-26T13:16:45+01:00April 26th, 2022|Climate politics, Homepage, News|

At the local elections on May 5th 2022, Cumbrians will be voting for the councillors who will decide the priorities and policies of the two new Unitary Authorities for Cumberland and Westmorland and Furness. This is a historical moment for Cumbria and a unique opportunity to put action on climate change at the very heart of local government. Whilst directly responsible for only around 2-5% of local carbon emissions, local authorities can have a big influence on over more than 30% of local emissions through their policies, partnerships and funding streams. Action on climate change can bring many benefits [...]

Young people in Copeland make their voices heard on climate change

By |2022-04-14T15:00:57+01:00April 14th, 2022|Homepage, News, Youth|

Young people are highly aware of the threat to their futures from climate change yet are rarely able to influence the ‘gatekeepers’ of climate emissions – those decision makers in Cumbria whose strategies and plans can most affect our carbon emissions. To help address this we worked with Shared Future (a local not for profit organisation) to fund and create interactive sessions with youth groups which explored their views on climate change and shared their ideas with people and organisations across Cumbria. In total 62 young people aged from 11 to 19 years took part in the workshop sessions [...]

Job: Home Energy Adviser

By |2022-11-23T12:18:40+00:00April 12th, 2022|Vacancies - expired|

Closing date: 9am on Tuesday 3 May 2022. We're looking for an experienced and knowledgeable individual to help vulnerable people improve their home energy efficiency, giving advice through in-home visits, over telephone and at events. You will be tasked with helping implement our Cold to Cosy Homes Cumbria service across districts within the county and providing excellent customer service to our clients. You’ll have excellent communication and accurate coordination skills, supporting our pool of contractors and advisers. Application & Interview Process Please apply by completing the application form below. Please do not send a CV. Guidance [...]

Double your donation taking action for Earth day

By |2022-04-05T14:27:38+01:00March 22nd, 2022|Homepage, News|

Every donation given to CAfS during the week of 22 - 29 April will be doubled, thanks to match funding from some generous benefactors as part of the annual Big Give. The week, which begins with Earth Day, will contain the Big Cumbrian Climate Challenge where we are attempting to raise a total of £10,000 from £5000 of donations. We would be over the moon if some of our brilliant supporters wanted to get involved with some fundraising efforts on our behalf to help us meet this lofty goal. We are willing to help in any way we can [...]

Young people lead wave of climate action from school

By |2022-03-22T11:20:50+00:00March 22nd, 2022|Homepage, News, Youth|

A few months ago, school pupils in Cumbria penned a new storybook that took on the story of Driggsby, the whale that washed up on a Cumbrian shore in 2014. The young Fin whale was thought to have died due to developmental complications caused by plastic in her mother's milk. In response, the kids produced Driggsby, a whales tale, an illustrated book while learning all about the issues of plastic pollution and participated in beach cleans along the coast from Allonby to Seascale. This remarkable work which led to, as well as the book, an exhibition in Tullie House [...]

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