In this series of blogs we go behind the scenes of the partners at the Westmorland and Green Enterprise Hub – starting with the founder of Green Small Business, Tim Maiden.

Tim has been an environmental and carbon consultant for more than two decades, advising governments, other public bodies and businesses on carbon, energy, waste and climate breakdown.

He was previously a Partner at CAG Consultants, where he managed large-scale, multi-year environmental research and evaluation projects, mostly for public sector clients including the UK and Scottish Governments.

He founded Green Small Business to support authentic climate action by businesses of all sizes, everywhere. Believing that, for too long, the tools to support businesses to take action on their environmental impacts have been onerous, opaque, expensive and outdated. Green Small Business is changing that.

Through support and certification for environmental management, carbon footprinting, training and staff engagement, Green Small Businesses helps businesses to:

  • Avoid greenwash and respond authentically and robustly to the climate and ecological emergency
  • Translate personal environmental values into business practice
  • Enhance and demonstrate environmental credentials
  • Equip their staff teams to take action on carbon
  • Increase B Corp Impact Assessment (BIA) scores
  • Navigate increasingly complex and stringent tendering and funding requirements related to environment and carbon
  • Improve efficiency and reduce costs

Tim works with the Westmorland and Furness Green Enterprise hub to offer advice about:

  • Authentic climate action
  • Business carbon footprinting
  • Environmental and carbon management
  • The environmental aspects of B Corp
  • Setting Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTI) targets
  • Carbon Reduction Plans
  • Ecovadis
  • CDP Disclosures

You can explore the range of services provided by the W&F Green Enterprise Hub here