Monthly Archives: September 2024

Green Enterprise Hub Partner Spotlight: Donna Munro

Donna Munro - Providing independent advice on renewable energy and low energy buildings Donna Munro is an independent consultant with over thirty years' experience as an engineer working in the renewable energy and sustainability sector. Her particular focus is on the integration of renewable technologies and energy efficiency measures into buildings. Including offering advice on: The design, costs and benefits of renewable energy systems such as solar photovoltaics, biomass stoves and solar water heating. The design of low energy buildings that use insulation, natural daylighting and warmth from the sun to reduce energy consumption Energy efficiency measures for existing buildings [...]

By |2024-09-18T17:47:21+01:00September 18th, 2024|GEH Partner Spotlight|

£50k up for grabs for community projects

Zero Carbon Cumbria has been supporting community projects to ‘do their bit’ to reduce greenhouse gas emissions since 2020, as part of the programme of activities supported through the National Lottery’s Climate Action Fund With one year left to go, this is the final allocation of Lottery money for community renewable energy projects, or any other community-based scheme looking to cut carbon emissions or raise awareness of the climate crisis. This is your chance to make a difference and support ZCC’s mission to achieve net zero by 2037. Up to £15,000 is available to help develop and deliver community renewable [...]

By |2024-09-12T14:07:16+01:00September 12th, 2024|Homepage, News|

Education settings to have climate action plan for September 2025

It has been a long time coming, but the deadline for education settings to have their sustainability actions in place is looming. The September deadline is a key initiative in the Government's sustainability and climate change strategy - and it states: “By 2025, all education settings will have nominated a sustainability lead and put in place a climate action plan. This includes early years settings, schools, multi-academy trusts, colleges, and universities." It is vital that this is put in place with a 'whole setting' approach - the buildings, curriculum, staff knowledge, pupil voice and decarbonisation all form part of the [...]

By |2024-09-11T17:31:42+01:00September 11th, 2024|Homepage, News|

Support for community organisations to reduce climate impacts

We're working with Cumbria CVS on a new project to support community organisations to address their climate impacts and ‘go green', and we're looking for your views to help us shape the support on offer. So, are your village hall energy bills huge? Do fuel costs frustrate your community bus service? Do you need a carbon action plan to win a contract for your charity? Help us to help you by completing this short survey to tell us the challenges facing your organisation, so that we can shape the support on offer, and you can also register your interest. All entries [...]

By |2024-09-04T13:28:05+01:00September 4th, 2024|Community energy, Homepage, News|

Thinking of retrofit? The whole house approach.

The Whole House Approach is the latest blog from our home retrofit team. Find their other blogs here.   What is the Whole House Approach to Retrofit or Renovation?  If you are thinking about improving your home in any way, it may link to other aspects of your home now, or as you might want it to be in the future.  Windows, doors, draught-proofing / air tightness, insulation, heating, cooling and ventilation are all linked to each other in various ways.  You might be trying to sort out an issue – a room might be too cold or too hot, [...]

By |2024-09-03T12:52:33+01:00September 3rd, 2024|Homepage, News, Retrofit|

New Government, New Green Policies – Part Two

This is the second half of our blog exploring the new government’s key ‘green’ policies - and what they could mean for Cumbria.   Read part one here   Energy Efficiency  An extra £6.6bn in home energy efficiency improvements  This could be good news for Cumbria, where we have a lot of draughty, damp housing stock in dire need of upgrading. Carbon emissions from energy use in residential and commercial buildings in Cumbria are estimated to be around 1.5 MtCO2 equivalent and need to be reduced by more than 95% by 2037. [See the report here] Supporting home energy efficiency and [...]

By |2024-09-02T17:40:10+01:00September 2nd, 2024|Homepage, News|
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