Monthly Archives: July 2019

Celebrating 20 years on the journey to a zero carbon Cumbria!

This year, CAfS has been celebrating our first full 20 years as an independent organisation tackling climate change in Cumbria! It's a fantastic opportunity to look back and remember just how far we've come and all that we've achieved - especially at at time when there's more collective determination than ever to achieve our vision of a zero carbon Cumbria. To mark the occasion, we've produced a new booklet capturing some of our many highlights down through the years - from starting the UK's first Green Build Festival to helping set up several of Cumbria's community energy schemes. There's [...]

By |2019-12-17T15:32:20+00:00July 30th, 2019|News|

Call for funding consultants

CAfS is looking for a professional fundraiser to help us increase our income to meet the rising need for our services. We need a suitably qualified and experienced person (or people) to pull together and submit applications for grant funding opportunities, as well as to identify other funds that we can apply to for upcoming projects. This work will be overseen by our funding and finance manager. We expect that we'll require up to 30 days of support over a six-month period. There's more information on our website, and the deadline for responses is 5pm on Monday 19 August 2019. Full details are in the brief, below: [...]

By |2019-10-24T15:48:30+01:00July 29th, 2019|Vacancies - expired|

Installers for draughtproofing measures – invitation to tender

Could your organisation install energy-saving measures for households in Cumbria? We're inviting tenders from organisations as part of our new project, Cold to Cosy Homes, funded by the Energy Redress Scheme. The main measures are draughtproofing doors, windows, unused chimney flues and loft hatches. Tenders could be from sole traders or larger businesses. We're particularly keen to hear from you if you can carry out this work in Carlisle, Eden and South Lakeland districts. All the details are in the Invitation to Tender, below. If you have any questions, please contact Andrew Northcott: [email protected] or 01768 210276. Cold to [...]

By |2020-02-26T14:12:39+00:00July 29th, 2019|Vacancies - expired|

New project will boost chargepoints across Cumbria & the North

Infrastructure for electric vehicles (EVs) across northern England is set to power up over the next eighteen months thanks to new government investment announced this month. Cumbria Action for Sustainability is part of a partnership, led by Cybermoor and Charge my Street, which will join forces to deliver the Scaling On-Street Charging Infrastructure (SOSCI) project. It’s one of twelve projects that will share £37 million funding to revolutionise the experience of owning an electric vehicle in the UK. The government aims for these innovations to encourage uptake of electric vehicles – a key aim of its Road to Zero [...]

By |2019-08-30T21:14:41+01:00July 28th, 2019|Electric vehicles, News|

Green build festival powers up with new headline sponsor

Electricity North West has been named as the headline sponsor for this year’s Cumbria Green Build and Sustainable Living Festival. This annual programme showcasing clever low-energy buildings and home improvements, along with ways to cut carbon footprints, will expand to around fifty events for 2019, thanks to the sponsorship boost from the region’s electricity distribution network operator. Run by Cumbria Action for Sustainability (CAfS), the festival offers open homes, tours, workshops, courses, films, conferences and talks, for householders, communities and professionals. Now in its fourteenth year, the festival was the first of its kind in the country. “We are [...]

By |2019-11-01T16:03:59+00:00July 28th, 2019|Cumbria Green Build Festival, News|
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