
Receive your retrofit scope of works

By |2022-07-27T16:13:49+01:00July 26th, 2022|Draughtproofing, Home energy efficiency, Homepage, News|

Clients of CAfS' Home Retrofit Planner can now receive a full scope of works meeting and report as a follow up service. This step follows the energy assessment and report already carried out on several homes in Cumbria. Two clients have already had their scope of works online meetings and will receive their reports soon. They will then move on to the Design step and from there to the choice of suitable contractors and retrofit work on site.  If you already have a Home Retrofit Planner report from CAfS, there is now the option to continue to the next step in [...]

Grants available for Great Big Green Week events

By |2022-07-26T10:22:00+01:00July 26th, 2022|Homepage, News, Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership|

Community groups can be awarded up to £300 to host community events during Great Big Green Week (GBGW) 24th September – 2nd October 2022. This week is coordinated by the Climate Coalition as a way of raising awareness of climate change and getting more people involved in taking action. They have made resources available for events which are targeted at geographic areas or communities of interest which haven’t previously been supported to promote awareness on climate change.  In particular, they are looking to encourage events in disadvantaged areas, and with more vulnerable communities, such as migrants and refugees, older people, [...]

Smaller grants lead to widespread action

By |2022-07-22T14:37:24+01:00July 21st, 2022|Food, Homepage, News, Renewable energy, Youth, Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership|

The Zero Carbon Cumbria Community Climate Grants have been awarded to 11 organisations over the past few months. Earlier this year, we updated you on the two large grants (up to £10,000) awarded to community projects working to reduce carbon emissions in Cumbria. Now, we thought it was about time to give you a flavour of some of the other action taking place as a result of the grants. These projects are recipients of either the small or medium sized grants. While this is not all the projects that have been funded, they provide a snapshot of the brilliant initiative [...]

Job: Project Manager – Cold to Cosy Homes

By |2022-08-11T12:08:12+01:00July 19th, 2022|Vacancies - expired|

Closing date: 9am on Wednesday 10 August 2022. SALARY RANGE: £24,000-£32,000, per annum full-time equivalent, depending on skills and experience. LOCATION: Contractually based at our office in Penrith. However, homeworking can be agreed.  Occasional meetings required at venues across Cumbria.   HOURS: 30 hrs– 37.5 hrs a week, with flexibility to be worked across 4 or 5 days with option for compressed hours. Core office hours are 10am-3pm but these can be negotiated. Annualised hours can be considered. START/END DATE: Start as soon as possible. Fixed-term contract to 30 September 2023 (with potential for extension subject to funding). [...]

Calling young people to the Youth Climate Fest

By |2022-07-13T12:11:40+01:00July 13th, 2022|Homepage, News, Youth|

Young Cumbrians aged 11 - 18 are being invited to a free day of activities and workshops in Penrith to talk about climate issues. The event, which takes place on Wed 27 Jul, will provide an opportunity for young people who care about climate change to meet like-minded peers to discuss the environment alongside positive input from a host of organisations. The planned activities will aim to make the young people feel supported, and validate them to make changes in their own lives for the benefit of the planet. A carousel of different events to empower the voices of the [...]

Job: Project Officer – Energy Team

By |2022-11-23T12:20:53+00:00June 23rd, 2022|Vacancies - expired|

SALARY RANGE:  £21,336 to £25,400 per annum full-time equivalent, (£17,068, to £20,320 for a 30-hour week) depending on skills and experience.  HOURS:  22.5 to 30 hours a week, with flexibility to work across 3, 4 or 5 days. The working times are flexible but must include core office hours of 10am-3pm unless agreed otherwise. There may also be occasional need to work evenings/weekends for event or meeting support.  START/END DATE: Start as soon as possible. Fixed-term contract to 30 April 2023 (with potential for extension subject to funding)  LOCATION:  Contractually based at our office in Penrith. However, we are [...]

Advice on smart meters to be provided by our helpline

By |2022-06-23T14:03:46+01:00June 23rd, 2022|Home energy efficiency, Homepage, News|

Our energy advice helpline has begun providing guidance to Cumbrians on smart meters and whether this clever equipment could help them save money on their home energy bills. The Cold to Cosy Homes Cumbria service already provides free advice to help households to save energy and cut the amount they spend on heating and powering their home. The team has added smart meters to the list of things the helpline covers. They can provide impartial advice for residents who may be struggling to decide on a smart meter or get to grips with the new technology. A smart meter is [...]

Grant funding to improve your community heritage buildings

By |2022-06-28T12:44:10+01:00June 21st, 2022|Homepage, News|

A grant fund of  £100,000 has been made available for people to make energy-efficiency changes to their community buildings of heritage value. CAfS is administering the Heritage Community Buildings Fund, and grants are available for groups and organisations who are involved in community heritage buildings projects that benefit the sustainability and well-being of Fellfoot Forward communities. The grant funding is available for projects that hope to make improvements to the fabric of these community buildings that reduce the amount of energy the building wastes. This could include, but is not exclusive to; roof, floor or wall insulation, heat pumps, double [...]

Job: Customer Administrator

By |2022-07-26T09:39:45+01:00June 14th, 2022|Homepage, News, Vacancies - expired|

Closing date: 9am on Tuesday 12 July 2022. SALARY RANGE: £19,305 to £22,352 full-time equivalent (£15,444 to £17,881 for a 30-hour week).   LOCATION: Contractually based at our office in Penrith. However, homeworking can be agreed.  Occasional meetings required at venues across Cumbria.   HOURS: 22.5 to 30 hours per week, with flexibility to work across 3, 4 or 5 days. The working times are flexible but must include core office hours of 10am-3pm unless agreed otherwise. There may also be occasional need to work evenings/weekends for event or meeting support.   START/END DATE: Start as soon as possible. Fixed [...]

Council commissions study into nature curriculum for schools

By |2022-06-10T13:55:39+01:00June 10th, 2022|Homepage, News, Youth|

Cumbria County Council has appointed CAfS to work alongside the Cumbria Development Education Centre (CDEC) and The University of Cumbria (UoC), to produce a report to help establish an improved nature curriculum for young people in Cumbria. The study will focus on the provision of place-based learning about the environment and sustainability for schools in Cumbria. It will include learning about the local environment and wider Cumbrian landscape, issues of sustainability, climate change and biodiversity as well as experiences that build appreciation for nature and the environment. Over the next few months, the partnership will be sending a questionnaire [...]

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