How to apply for a grant
1. Plan your project with other members of your group and think about how you will answer the questions in the application form before you fill it in e.g.:
- Contact details – email, phone, address, website if applicable
- Summary of the project/event/activity you plan to do
- What do you hope this will achieve?
- How will you know if your project has been a success?
- What costs do you need help with from the Zero Carbon Cumbria funding?
- Do you have exact quotes for the costs – if not, could you get copies of these?
2. Download an application form (and save it to your computer)
3. Fill in the application and complete with a signature. By signing the application form, you are signing to confirm that you have read and agreed with all the terms and conditions of the grant, including a commitment to provide a monitoring report on your achievements.
4. Return to [email protected] together with any necessary additional documents, including your constitution and bank account details, and a recent bank statement.
For further information please email us [email protected]