Monthly Archives: April 2019

Children show us the way at Cumbrian youth climate summit

Ninety young people and their teachers from thirty Cumbrian schools came together in April for the county's first youth summit on climate change. Organised by the head teacher from Robert Ferguson School in Carlisle, it was a moving and uplifting event that gave young people a chance to voice their concerns about climate change and other environmental issues. CAfS chief executive Hazel Graham went along to take part in a question panel and to listen to young people’s views and the actions they want to see. “It’s so obvious that young people have a good grasp of the science [...]

By |2019-05-02T17:38:15+01:00April 30th, 2019|News|

CAfS supports exciting Fellfoot Forward project

CAfS is taking part in an exciting landscape programme that will benefit communities in the north east of Cumbria. We’ve been asked to share our expertise on improving the energy efficiency of community buildings and supporting community energy, as part of the Fellfoot Forward project. The project aims to “forge creative connections between people and landscape, conserve habitats and key species and celebrate this beautiful area with its communities”. The area stretches along the Cumbrian side of the North Pennines AONB and UNESCO Global Geopark, reaching out as far west as the River Eden, and running north from Melmerby [...]

By |2019-05-02T17:42:35+01:00April 30th, 2019|Community energy, News|

Students launch youth climate network for Cumbria

Two students from Cockermouth have set up a new network for young people in Cumbria who want to help prevent climate change. The group, UK Student Climate Network (UKSCN) Cumbria, has three main aims, to: reduce the use of single-use plastics and other non-reusable materials in schools discuss the impacts of the proposed new coal mine with the community and Cumbria County Council, and encourage them to take the necessary steps to prevent it going ahead pressurize Cumbria County Council to declare a climate emergency Students from several schools across the county have already joined the group. The organisers, [...]

By |2019-04-26T17:54:50+01:00April 26th, 2019|News|

Food-growing plans for Alston Moor take root after drop-ins

A community orchard and a community farm have emerged as the tastiest options for food growing on Alston Moor, after residents shared their views at drop-ins organized by CAfS in April. The two sessions at Alston Town Hall attracted a constant flow of people who are keen to see opportunities for community food growing. The consultation was part of the Alston Moor Greenprint, run by CAfS and funded by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation. “The consensus is that there’s real enthusiasm to get community growing projects up and running, as opposed to private allotments,” said Roe Baker, Greenprint manager. [...]

By |2019-05-30T15:01:32+01:00April 26th, 2019|Alston Moor Greenprint, Food|

On the road again for food study team

There are lots of different ways to grow food as a community, and some of them are being explored as part of the Alston Moor Greenprint, with a view to setting up community-led food growing in the area. Lynn Barnes from Vista Veg, who's leading on the research, has been out visiting interesting sites around the region, along with enthusiastic volunteers from the Alston area. The group headed to the south of Cumbria for their second day of visits, on 20 March 2019. Roe Baker, the Alston Moor Greenprint manager, tells us more... "Our first stop was at Growing [...]

By |2019-04-11T14:34:50+01:00April 11th, 2019|Alston Moor Greenprint, Food, News|

Alston Moor food group takes to the road

The team behind the feasibility study into community-led food growing on Alston Moor has been out on the road looking at some inspiring community food-growing sites and potential management models we could replicate. The Alston Moor Greenprint manager, Roe Baker from CAfS, tells us more... "A group of us visited Gibside Community Farm, Burnopfield, near Gateshead on 8 March, to look at a community-supported agriculture scheme on National Trust land. At the community farm, everyone who works takes a share of the crops produced. For just £52 a year or £1 a week you can take home a fresh [...]

By |2019-04-05T15:08:49+01:00April 5th, 2019|Alston Moor Greenprint, Food, News|
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