Guidance for reducing the carbon footprint of your business
There’s lots of guidance available online for businesses aiming to reduce their carbon footprint. We’ve collected together some of the main ones for you here.
These are just a small selection of the standards and guides out there. We suggest you do some research to find the ones that are most suitable for your business.
Lots of good practice guides are freely available to download online. For example:
- Green Small Business Handbook, which provides a detailed step-by-step guide to managing the environmental impacts of your business.
- Positive Impact Strategy Guide, from Future Fixers, which is based on the People, Planet, Profit model.
- Targeting Net Zero Framework and Leading with a sustainable purpose reports from the Cambridge Institute for Sustainable Leadership.
- Embracing the circular economy in your business, a five–step guide from Resource Futures.
- Mission Possible reports from edie, which cover retail, manufacturing, food and drink manufacturing, construction, hospitality and leisure.
- Energy Efficiency guides from the Carbon Trust, which cover hospitality, retail, agriculture, manufacturing, warehousing and logistics, office based businesses and event.
- There are also these hospitality and tourism guides from Visit England and Hotrec.
- A range of videos and guides on energy efficiency measures from Narec Distributed Energy
Please also refer to our Sustainable Living Guide. While it’s aimed at households, the principles are relevant to businesses, too, in terms of energy use within properties and for transport, and the embodied carbon of the products and services we consume.