We have a strong focus on helping grassroots community groups and would like to fund projects which will increase the breadth and depth of activity around climate change in Cumbria.
This means that we are particularly interested in supporting new groups – so if this is the first ever funding bid that you’ve made or you’re finding the process confusing, don’t worry as we’ll be able to help you through the application. Just get in touch with [email protected] to find out more.
The types of things that we will look at when we assess your application are:
Does the project reach communities with additional needs for support?
We would like to support groups which haven’t received funding to work on climate change issues before. In particular we would like to see proposals which will help people who could be disproportionally affected by climate change such as people on low incomes/benefits, young people, older or disabled people, people in insecure housing situations, migrants and/or or refugees. We will give extra weight to applications from groups based in an area without an established sustainability group.
‘Fit’ with the fund
We will look at whether your proposed project fits within the aims of the fund. Does it support for activities which will reduce carbon emissions and will it engage more people and/or build knowledge and understanding of climate change? Does it link in well with other projects being delivered as part of the Zero Carbon Cumbria programme, such as the work with young people, or the ‘eat local grow local’ project? We are particularly keen to support projects which will enable lots of people from your local community to get involved.
Is it a good idea and will your organisation be able to make a success of the project?
Depending on the type of project and how much money you are asking for, we might also look at whether the group has enough experience / expert support to make the project a success. This should not put you off applying if you are from a brand new group! We’d like to see some creative, inspiring new ideas which might be reaching out to involve a new audience – but also know that you might need funding for basic costs. We’d also like to know about your partnership plans if you are teaming up with others to deliver your project.
Value for money
All projects supported with Lottery funding have to show that they represent value for money. For example – how many people will be involved? Will your project benefit one family, or a whole street or village? Does your budget look realistic? What will be the expected level of carbon saving (if any)? Please note that we are also happy to fund work to support your development as a group, and this could mean employing a trainer or consultant to help build your skills. It might be worth checking if this work be delivered more cheaply / for free by using existing resources – for example, by joining in with free training delivered elsewhere or by seeking practical help from another group who may have already successfully delivered a similar project.