Monthly Archives: May 2022

What you said about smart meters

Last month, we asked our kind followers to lend us their thoughts on smart meters. The technology is slowly spreading through homes as energy providers determinedly pursue us over the phone to commit to an installation date. Basically, a smart meter measures your energy use in real time and shows it to you on a display unit. The idea is that this will allow you to get more accurate bills and see for yourself where you are spending money on energy. It also, in theory, cuts out the inconvenience of needing to read your meter manually yourself. We wanted [...]

By |2022-05-27T10:56:19+01:00May 27th, 2022|Home energy efficiency, Homepage, News|

Climate change training rolling out to educators in Cumbria

CAfS will be helping to create a national climate training toolkit for educators as part of a new government plan. We will be one of the partners developing the toolkits, as part of the Department for Education's Climate & Sustainability Strategy, announced in April. Every maintained nursery, school, college and university in the country is to have a sustainability lead among their staff, all of whom will have 'carbon literacy' training on the climate crisis and how we can respond. We've been delivering accredited Climate and Carbon Literacy training in Cumbria since 2019 and we're now running a pilot [...]

By |2022-05-18T14:48:29+01:00May 18th, 2022|Homepage, News, Youth, Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership|

Job: Fundraising officer

Closing date: 10am on Tuesday 14 June 2022. We're looking for a knowledgeable and articulate person to help us raise money through donations, grants and contracts. You'll be a clear and confident communicator with the ability to create persuasive digital material with a strong attention to detail. You'll have knowledge of fundraising and will be able to research potential new income streams working alongside our development manager. Application & Interview Process Please apply by completing the application form below. Please do not send a CV. Guidance for submitting your application is included in the form. [...]

By |2022-11-23T11:22:21+00:00May 13th, 2022|Vacancies - expired|
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