Monthly Archives: May 2019

South Lakes MP has light bulb moment with CAfS

A householder who took up our draughtproofing and energy-saving advice service in April was treated to a parliamentary privilege. Tim Farron, MP for Westmorland and Lonsdale, joined CAfS for a LEAP energy advice visit to Margaret from Kendal. Tim wanted to see first hand how this national service is benefiting residents, delivered in South Lakeland by CAfS, thanks to support from South Lakeland District Council. Margaret received tips on ways to keep her home warmer and we fitted low-energy LED bulbs and radiator reflector panels to bring her electricity and heating bills down - all free of charge. Andrew [...]

By |2019-05-01T14:36:58+01:00May 1st, 2019|Home energy efficiency, News|

Electricity North West is headline sponsor for Green Build Festival

We’re thrilled to announce our headline sponsor for this year’s Cumbria Green Build and Sustainable Living Festival. Electricity North West will be supporting our flagship annual programme of events, now in its 14th year. It’s a key year for our region’s electricity network operator, following the launch of its new plan to help the North West to decarbonise and pave the way for the growth of renewable energy. “From electric vehicles to renewable energy, Electricity North West has such a crucial part to play in the drive towards a zero carbon Cumbria, so we are delighted to be working [...]

By |2019-05-02T17:22:07+01:00May 1st, 2019|News|

CAfS trustee publishes new book on tackling climate change

Congratulations to our trustee Mike Berners-Lee on the publication of his new book, There is No Planet B: A Handbook for the Make or Break Years. The book is a superb overview of the big picture of climate change: what’s going on and what is required for humans to thrive in the Anthropocene – the epoch of human dominance on the planet. It strikes a great balance between being accessible and entertaining whilst being serious and robust. Mike deftly brings together the multi-disciplinary global perspective with the practicalities of who can do what to bring about the system changes [...]

By |2019-05-02T17:25:35+01:00May 1st, 2019|News|

Cumbrian leaders pledge to work together to tackle climate change

Senior leaders from key organisations in Cumbria have met at the county’s first leaders’ summit on climate change, to plan how they can play their part in tackling climate change. The 27 CEOs and chairs from businesses, local authorities and the voluntary sector acknowledged climate change as a key issue demanding urgent action. They outlined their organisations’ ambitions and high-level targets for reducing carbon emissions, and agreed to develop a coordinated Cumbria-wide approach. “There was a phenomenal response to the summit,” said Hazel Graham, chief executive of CAfS, who organised and chaired the event on behalf of the Lake [...]

By |2019-05-02T17:30:42+01:00May 1st, 2019|News|
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