If you cancel 5 full working days before the event, you can request a refund. Refunds will not be given for any cancellations or no-shows after this.

We will refund you the cost of your tickets, minus a fee of 10% of the ticket price, to cover our costs.

Refunds may be by BACS transfer to your bank account or via PayPal.

Refunds will be processed within 28 days of the date you notify us that you want to cancel.

If you made a donation to CAfS as part of your booking transaction, the donation portion of your payment would not be refunded.

If CAfS has to cancel an event for any reason, we will refund you in full with no administration fee.

How to cancel

Email [email protected] or phone 01768 210276.

If you are emailing, please include:

  • Your name
  • Your phone number
  • The name and date of the event you are cancelling
  • How many tickets you want a refund for

Please do not put your bank details in the email, for your security. We’ll be in touch with you to arrange the bank transfer or cheque.

Cancelling events run by other organisations

This guidance applies only to events booked directly with CAfS. Some events included in the festival programme are run independently by other organisations and are beyond our control. For cancellations and refunds for these events, please contact the event organiser.