Switch to LEDs
Replace old-style bulbs (e.g. incandescent, halogen, curly low-energy bulbs).
Don’t wait until they blow. We recommend replacing them now – they’re using more power and costing you more.
Boil what you need
Don’t boil more water than you need in your kettle, as it uses quite a bit of energy.
Do fill to the minimum level marked your kettle, though, so you don’t burn it out!
Don't leave electricals on standby
Turn off your electricals when you’re not using them.
You’d be surprised how much power they’re still using on standby. It all adds up over the year.
Use less hot water
Heating your water costs you money and uses energy. Here are a few ways to use less hot water:
- Wash up in a bowl
- Take shorter showers
- Have showers instead of baths
Do laundry less often
Could you save up your laundry a little longer and do one less wash each month? Or even one less wash a week, if you use your machine a lot. They use power to run and heat water, so you’ll trim your bill by using it less.
Turn lights off
It doesn’t come more simple than this tip… turn off lights when you’re not in the room!
Check your boiler
Get your boiler serviced regularly, to check it’s running efficiently and is set up properly.
Use your controls
Use your central heating controls effectively, or get them installed if you don’t have any. Programmers, room thermostats and thermostatic radiator valves make it a lot easier for you to control the temperature – even in each room.
Turn down by 1 degree
Turn your thermostats down by one degree.
You probably won’t even notice the difference, yet this tip will slice the most off your bills.