Westogether Climate Concerns
Registration is closed for this event
10 places left
Hear about current initiatives to tackle carbon emissions and meet with other community groups and individuals in West Cumbria to plan further action.
We will hear a video address from Cllr Bob Kelly (lead on climate change policy for Cumberland Council) and inputs from local groups including the Copeland People’s Panel on climate change; Cumbria Action for Sustainability climate champions scheme; CDEC's Youth Climate Leaders – the Future is Now programme; Workington green hub and others.
It will also provide an opportunity to network with groups and individuals wishing to 'Do their bit' on tackling climate change, and plan for the future of the Westogether initiative.
Refreshments and a vegetarian lunch are provided - please get in touch if you have any special requirements
September 26th, 2023 from 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM
The Oval Centre
Salterbeck Drive
Workington, CA145HA
United Kingdom
Salterbeck Drive
Workington, CA145HA
United Kingdom