Event description
This accredited Carbon Literacy course, especially for hospitality and tourism businesses, will give you the facts about the latest climate science. It will equip you with the skills to calculate your carbon footprint, identify where you can make improvements, and actions to put those improvements in place in your organisation.
Climate and Carbon Literacy training provides a clear understanding of climate science, an awareness of carbon costs and the impacts of everyday activities. It also builds an ability and motivation to reduce emissions on an individual, community and organisational basis.
This inspiring, informative and interactive accredited training course will take you concisely through the science of climate change, causes, impacts and solutions. It will provide you with clear and practical advice on how we can all achieve change. It also covers the global, UK and regional picture, what is happening locally, and how to get involved.
The session presents you with a usable framework for understanding the climate emergency, how soon we need to act, the scale of that action, and what part individuals and organisations in Cumbria can play in the bigger picture.
You will leave this session more confident in your knowledge, better able to articulate what needs to be done, and with an increased sense of agency around your ability to be part of that change.
You will also leave with the ability to begin to develop your own action plans, and to develop training sessions for others, if you wish to do so.
The session is delivered by expert trainers from Cumbria Action for Sustainability (CAfS). CAfS Co-Chair the Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership and run Cumbria’s Climate and Carbon Literacy training programme. Their certified Carbon Literate trainers bring decades of practical emission-reduction expertise, in-depth knowledge of the local area as well as significant training experience.
In advance of attending the course, you will need to:
- Watch ‘Climate Change: The Facts’ by David Attenborough (58 mins). This is available at: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q9WyLPgyuqo and BBC iPlayer - Climate Change - The Facts .
- Calculcate your carbon footprint using one or both of the following tools, to discuss in the afternoon session https://cafs.org.uk/sustainable-living-guide/cafs-carbon-calculators/ https://offset.climateneutralnow.org/footprintcalc.
To become certified as Carbon Literate, you must complete a pledge document, pledging significant emission reduction actions as an individual and as part of a wider group, and return this to us within 10 days of the training. You will discuss the form during the training session. The questions on this document are created and assessed by the Carbon Literacy Project, the national body who created the Carbon Literate accreditation. We will submit your completed pledge form to the Carbon Literacy Project for their assessment.
Cumbria Tourism are managing the bookings for this course. Please click here to register your place.
Cockermouth, CA13 9SJ
United Kingdom