Our most comprehensive course.

Our Climate and Carbon Literacy is accredited by The Carbon Literacy Project. It will:

  • provide you with clear and practical advice on how we can all achieve change in our lives and influence the wider change we want to see;
  • cover the science of climate change, causes, impacts and solutions;
  • explain the current situation at a global, national, and local scale;
  • explore what actions are being taken locally to reduce carbon emissions, and cover changes you can make at home, at work or in your community.
CAfS Carbon & Climate Literacy training


One full day in person, or 2 half-days online.

The online sessions are usually taught one week apart.


From £83 for individuals

From £146 per delegate from organisations

‘Pay what you can’ option is available.


This course is accredited by the Carbon Literacy Project. Becoming certified will give clients, peers and employers confidence in your ability to tackle your carbon emissions.

Bespoke options

If you’d like to send several people on the course or focus on a particular area, we can develop and deliver in-house training tailored to your needs.

CAfS offers an option to pay what you can afford (available for individuals who live or work in Cumbria only).

We do not wish anyone to be disadvantaged from accessing this training due to their current financial circumstances.

“I would thoroughly recommend this course. It renewed my energy to do something meaningful.”

Course attendee

Course outcomes

You will walk away from our full-day course with an understanding of:

  • what the climate emergency is;
  • how soon we need to act;
  • the scale of the action;
  • what part individuals and organisations in Cumbria can play in the bigger picture.

You will gain:

  • more confidence in your knowledge on the subject;
  • an improved ability to share what you have learnt with others and to inspire change within your community;
  • the skills to develop your own action plans and to develop training sessions for others.

Most importantly, you will leave feeling inspired, aware of the scale of the challenge, and positive about the effect you can have within your home, community or workplace.


We can adapt our standard course materials to focus specifically on your sector, organisation or community, the impact it has on the climate, and how to make a positive change.

We have extensive experience in tailoring our courses for specific sectors such as local authorities, parish councils, the hospitality industry and the education sector. Our standard price for a bespoke, full-day, accredited Climate and Carbon Literacy course is from £1,339 per session for up to 15 people (from £89 per person), which includes all certification costs and administration fees.

If you’d like to discuss a bespoke course, please contact Hazel at [email protected].