Climate and Carbon Literacy Training and Events
Climate and Carbon Literacy training for individuals and organisations (Full day split over 2 half-days)
Delve into the causes of climate change and what we can do about it. Boost understanding with our in-depth, accredited course.
Westogether Climate Fresk
FREE climate workshop for individuals, organisations and businesses living, working, studying, or based in West Cumbria, organised by Westogether. Join us for this interactive, engaging and collaborative in-person workshop to understand the fundamentals of climate science.
Climate Fresk at Windermere Science Festival
Join CAfS at Windermere Science Festival for an interactive, engaging and collaborative in-person workshop to understand the fundamentals of climate science.
Looking for something else?
CAfS are able to provide bespoke training sessions tailored to your needs. This could be an inspiring one-hour session for hundreds of staff at a conference, or a more focused session for a senior management team or board of directors.
To discuss your training needs, please contact our training manager, Hazel Graham: [email protected].