This event has only 19 space(s) left. If you continue and register more than 19 people (including yourself ), the whole group will be wait listed. Or, you can reduce the number of people you are registering to 19 to avoid being put on the waiting list.

Climate and Carbon Literacy for individuals and interested organisations

Booking information
If you are booking on behalf of someone else and are not attending the event yourself, please add their details below.
We will use your email address to communicate with you about your training, including details of the course content, information about your certification and to share a post course survey.
We'll only use your phone number to contact you about the course (e.g. due to cancellation).
Only the lead name on the booking will receive the course related email information. Please forward this on to additional delegates attending with you.
If you are representing a group or organisation, please tell us which one:
The venue is a 14 minute walk (0.5 miles) from Penrith train station and a 6 minute walk (0.3) from Penrith bus station. You can plan your journey via There are 2 disabled parking spots outside the venue - let us know if you require one of these in the 'Accessibility' box below. There is limited parking at the venue but pay and display carparks can be found nearby.
If you are interested in car sharing to the event, please tell us where you will be travelling from and whether you need a lift or are willing to drive and take others. We can then put you in touch with other attendees looking or offering a lift. Please note that for us to facilitate this we will have to share your name, email and travel details with others offering/looking for a lift for this event so please only put your name forward if you are happy for us to do this. Please also tell us how many spaces you have available and your expectations for any financial contributions to the journey or parking costs.
A vegan lunch and teas and coffees will be provided. Please let us know of any additional dietary needs/allergies we should be aware of.
Do you have any health conditions our trainers should be aware of?
If yes, please provide further details in the following question box, or email us. This information would be used in the case of a medical incident and passed to attending medical professionals or first aiders.
If you have any accessibility requirements or feel there is anything we should know in advance of the course to help your participation, please tell us here, or email [email protected].
In the case of a medical incident during the session, it can be helpful to have details of an emergency contact. If you are happy to provide this, please give their name, their mobile number and their relationship to you. This information will be accessed by the trainers and administration staff.
The next few questions help us with evaluating our events
Our full day Climate and Carbon Literacy Training courses are accredited by The Carbon Literacy Project, who issue the certificates. Upon completion of your course, to become accredited you will need to complete a pledge form which will be shared with The Carbon Literacy Project for their assessment - you can view their privacy notice to see how they might use your details. Aside from this, the data you provide us upon booking and during and after the course will be used to report to our funders but in an anonymised way. If your place on the course has been arranged by your employer, education establishment or other organisation, we will share your attendance and certification status with them at their request. We will never share your details with anyone for any other purpose other than with organisations who do work on our behalf. These are listed in CAfS’ privacy notice and we ensure that they keep your personal information safe.
If you are able to make an extra donation this would greatly help CAfS to run our events. There is also an option to pay what you can afford (available if you live, work or study in Cumbria only - not applicable to employees/representatives from organisations). We want to ensure everyone can access this training regardless of their current financial circumstances.
Choose this ticket if you're NOT attending as an employee/from an organisation. Enter the number of tickets you'd like.
If you cannot afford the full 'Individual' ticket price, please tell us how many tickets you want (not applicable to employees/representatives from organisations):
If you cannot afford the full 'Individual' ticket price, now enter the amount you can afford for those tickets in total (not applicable to employees/representatives from organisations):
Choose this ticket for employees & representatives from organisations. Enter the number of people you'd like places for.
If you are able to make an extra donation, you'll be helping CAfS to cover the cost of running this event.