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Join us to explore climate challenges and solutions for Cumbria’s coastlines.

Representing around 70% of the world’s surface, oceans are already undergoing serious changes due to the climate crisis, including temperature increase, sea level rise, and acidification.

Coastal flooding, erosion and climate change-induced extreme weather can all place land, property, and infrastructure at direct risk, including homes, farmland, ports, roads and railways. Over time sea defences could be threatened or even fail.

Yet healthy seas are also a critical part of climate solutions, including 'blue carbon' captured by living marine organisms and stored in coastal ecosystems. Seagrass is an incredible tool to help tackle climate change, capable of capturing carbon up to 35x faster than tropical rainforests. Saltmarshes may also be one of the earth's most efficient habitats for sequestering and storing carbon in their soils.

Seas also offer huge power generation potential, and there’s been recent rapid growth of offshore wind generation along Cumbria’s coasts.

In today's event we'll hear about crucial climate threats and opportunities along our extended Cumbrian coastline, stretching from Morecambe Bay right up to the Solway Firth, and including many towns, transport connections, businesses, and natural habitats.

Our contributors will include Cumbria Wildlife TrustLiverpool John Moores University, and Cumbria LEP.

There’ll also be opportunities for questions and discussion.


This event is part of the Climate Solutions for Cumbrian Landscapes programme

This webinar on coastlines supports work by the Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership on land use. It's part of an on-going events programme focused on environmental challenges and solutions across different types of Cumbrian landscapes.



Website: Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership

Cost - This event is free to attend.

Venue - This event will be held via Zoom. Once you register, you'll receive a link to join the event. 

Recording - We may record the event to share online afterwards. By taking part in this event, you accept that your name/image/voice may appear in the recording. You can opt not to activate your webcam and microphone, and you can change how your name is displayed in the list of participants. Attendees' video feeds won't necessarily be on screen at any point during the webinar.

Help with joining this event

Are you not sure how to use Zoom but would like to attend our event? If you don't have a friend or family member who can help you get set up, we'd be happy to help you in advance. Please contact us as soon as possible. You can phone us on 01768 210276 during normal office hours (Tue to Fri) or email [email protected].

Unfortunately, we aren't able to offer technical support at the time of the event.

Keep an eye on our website for more events throughout the year!


If you can afford to support us through a donation, this would be hugely appreciated. As a charity, our scope and reach is dependent on the generosity of those who believe in our cause. We thank you for your support.

April 28th, 2023 from 11:00 AM to 12:15 PM
Via Zoom
United Kingdom
Standard ticket £0.00