Monthly Archives: January 2022

New sustainability opportunities for young people created

As we emerge into a new year, emerging alongside us are many opportunities for engagement with young people on sustainability. Through the brilliant work of our Youth projects Coordinator Ceri, CAfS is looking to place the needs of this generation at the heart of the transition to net zero. We thought we'd give a little update on what sort of things young people can expect in 2022 from us. Work with schools and youth groups The new Greener Schools project has appointed environmental auditors who will shortly begin working with students in 16 primary and secondary schools on Cumbria’s [...]

By |2022-01-27T12:06:17+00:00January 27th, 2022|Homepage, News, Youth|

Zero Carbon Cumbria celebrates first birthday

It's been one whole year since the Zero Carbon Cumbria project first set sail, and we thought it would be worth taking a quick look back at what's been achieved over the past 12 months. Firstly, for those new to the project, the Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership (ZCCP to their friends) is a partnership of 80 organisations from across Cumbria and different sectors of society. Their aim is to drive Cumbria to becoming the first county with net-zero carbon emissions in the UK by 2037. On behalf of ZCCP, CAfS helped to secure a generous grant of £2.5 million from [...]

By |2022-02-10T11:01:50+00:00January 27th, 2022|Homepage, News, Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership|

Big Energy Saving Week celebrates our partnership

This week (17 – 23 Jan) is Big Energy Saving Week and  one of our key partnerships is being celebrated for all it does to help residents keep hold of their cash during Winter. Cold to Cosy Homes is our large scale project that offers free independent energy advice and energy saving measures to vulnerable households. It has now offered advice and measures like draughtproofing to hundreds of households throughout the region, saving locals huge amounts of energy and money. Working in partnership with local authorities, this year the project has extended its reach to the entire county. Homelife Carlisle [...]

By |2022-01-18T09:31:31+00:00January 17th, 2022|Home energy efficiency, Homepage, News|
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