Monthly Archives: November 2021

Cold to Cosy wins award

A huge congratulations to our Cold to Cosy Homes team who came home with something for the trophy cabinet from the North West Energy Efficiency Awards. They won for their efforts in vulnerable customer support and the whole team is thrilled that their hard work has been recognised in this way. Andrew, Gareth, Tina, Rick, Kim, Jenny, Laura, Laura, Vibeke and Jo have all earned the award through their tireless work in supporting disadvantaged Cumbrians to navigate the complex subject of energy efficiency, managing their usage and bills and making sure homes remain warm over harsh winters. Thanks to [...]

By |2021-11-29T15:41:11+00:00November 29th, 2021|Draughtproofing, Home energy efficiency, Homepage, News|

Add CAfS to your Christmas list

With Christmas around the corner it’s likely that some of us will be buying a few gifts for loved ones, which may be bought through online platforms. If you are buying this way, you can help us fight climate change in Cumbria by donating to CAfS while you do so. Gifting your time or talents to another is obviously the most eco conscious option, however if you are searching for a specific item second-hand then lots of local charities have online shops on ebay and you can set CAfS as your favourite charity to donate to when using PayPal [...]

By |2021-11-29T14:05:50+00:00November 29th, 2021|Homepage, News|

Community Climate Grants to move towards a Zero Carbon Cumbria 

A new Community Climate Grant fund of £100,000, backed by The National Lottery Community Fund, the largest funder of community activity in the UK, has been launched by Cumbria Action for Sustainability this month to help local community groups fight climate change.     Groups can now apply for grants ranging from £200 to £10,000, for projects and events to raise awareness of the urgent need to stop climate change and to reduce carbon emissions from energy use, land use, waste and transport.    The grants are part of the Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership’s ambitious emission reduction programme to make Cumbria carbon neutral by 2037.       CAfS chief executive, Karen Mitchell, said: “The aim of the climate grants is to help communities to reduce carbon emissions. Thanks to [...]

By |2021-11-25T10:32:43+00:00November 25th, 2021|Homepage, News, Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership|

Seeds of Resilience

On Sunday 7th November members of climate action groups from across Cumbria came together with local residents for a day of discussion and celebration at the National Trust’s Footprint building in Windemere. The event, entitled ‘Seeds of Resilience’, was organised by CAfS and the National Trust as part of the Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership to mark COP26 Nature Day and to reinforce the message that everyone can take positive action locally to contribute towards global efforts to reduce the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Said Cumbria Sustainability Network Coordinator Helen Attewell, ‘The event brought together members of [...]

By |2021-11-08T15:10:56+00:00November 8th, 2021|Homepage, News, Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership|

Young people capitalise on COP26 to raise climate concerns

Young people in Cumbria have seized on the momentum generated by the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow to present their environmental concerns to leading figures within the county. They presented the outcomes from a recent successful Cumbria Youth Climate Summit to Councillor Celia Tibble (Cumbria County Council Cabinet Member for Environment) and Karen Mitchell (co-chair of Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership and CEO of Cumbria Action for Sustainability). The meeting, which took place at Cumbria County Council’s Kendal offices, coincided with Youth and Public Empowerment Day at COP26, the United Nations summit that brought together heads of state, climate experts [...]

By |2021-12-16T15:23:43+00:00November 5th, 2021|Climate politics, Homepage, News, Youth, Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership|
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