Monthly Archives: May 2021

Great feedback from our carbon calculator users

Lots of individuals and businesses have now had a go with our carbon footprint calculators and some have fed back to tell us about their experience. Which is incredibly helpful! Happily, the vast majority feel that it was definitely a worthwhile experience, which has helped improve their understanding of their environmental impact and focus their efforts to reduce it. Here are some of the comments received. “I was impressed with the tool, having looked at a number of other, much more gimmicky tools which claim to do the same thing, didn't in my view ask all the right questions… [...]

By |2021-05-31T16:10:58+01:00May 31st, 2021|Climate politics, Home energy efficiency, Homepage, News|

Contract: Climate trainers

If you are passionate about combatting climate change, knowledgeable about climate science and solutions, or have experience of delivering or developing training, we would love to hear from you. We are looking for four friendly, articulate and highly motivated trainers to help meet the growing demand for our very popular climate and carbon literacy courses.  You will work as a freelance contractor, over a five-year period, to help us train more than 3000 people from a wide variety of backgrounds and organisations. You would be paid £19.50 an hour, for all the hours you worked, including for preparation, course delivery [...]

By |2023-04-14T14:32:32+01:00May 25th, 2021|Vacancies - expired|
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